2. Japan Heritage - Hitoyoshi Kuma
  3. 700 Years of the Sagara
  4. 51.Tanimizu Yakushi Temple

51.Tanimizu Yakushi Temple

谷水薬師|日本で最も豊かな隠れ里 日本遺産人吉球磨【熊本県】

Cultural Asset Data

NameTanimizu Yakushi Temple
Address3265-2, Kaminan, Asagiri-cho, Kumagun, Kumamoto
Mapcode333 095 833*22
Contact 0966-45-7226(Asagiri Town Board of Education)

The temple is said to have been built in the Muromachi period (1333-1573) and was rebuilt by the Sagara clan after the death of the Uemura clan.

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