2. Japan Heritage - Hitoyoshi Kuma
  3. Buddhist Art
  4. 20.Sue Aso Shakado Temple

20.Sue Aso Shakado Temple

須恵阿蘇釈迦堂【あさぎり町】|日本で最も豊かな隠れ里 日本遺産人吉球磨【熊本県】

Cultural Asset Data

Name Sue Aso Shakado Temple
Address 3449-1 Sue, Asagiri-cho, Kuma-gun, Kumamoto
Mapcode333 393 451*36
Contact 0966-45-7226  (Asagiri Town Board of Education)

This temple is enshrined with the family deity of the powerful Sue clan, who predated the Sagara clan. The statue of Buddha inside the temple dates back to the end of the Heian period (12th century).

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