2. Japan Heritage - Hitoyoshi Kuma
  3. Buddhist Art
  4. 27.Statue of Kobo Daishi at Tsukigi Taishido Temple

27.Statue of Kobo Daishi at Tsukigi Taishido Temple

槻木大師堂弘法大師像【多良木町】|日本で最も豊かな隠れ里 日本遺産人吉球磨【熊本県】

Cultural Asset Data

Name Statue of Kobo Daishi at Tsukigi Taishido Temple
Address sukigi, Taragi-machi, Kuma-gun, Kumamoto
Contact 0966-42-1267  (Taragi Town Board of Education)

This temple was constructed in the early 14th century under petition from the Sagara clan, following the spread of the Daishi faith (a cult of Shingon Buddhism) in Hitoyoshi Kuma. The presence of a statue of Kobo Daishi, founder of Shingon Buddhism, indicates that the Daishi faith had spread to Kuma by this period.

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