2. Japan Heritage - Hitoyoshi Kuma
  3. Life and Culture
  4. 38.Sagara 33 Kannon Pilgrimage

38.Sagara 33 Kannon Pilgrimage

相良三十三観音めぐり【広域】|日本で最も豊かな隠れ里 日本遺産人吉球磨【熊本県】

Cultural Asset Data

Name Sagara 33 Kannon Pilgrimage
Address Hitoyoshi Kuma region ( Kumamoto )
Contact 0966-22-2111 (front desk, Hitoyoshi City Board of Education)
Misc Sagara 33 Kannon Pilgrimage

Pilgrims can travel a 35-stop circuit of holy sites in Hitoyoshi Kuma, each enshrined with the potent spirit of Kannon. Each site has a spiritual basis for gathering believers, and every one remains cared for by the local community. Every year, during the weeks of the spring and autumn equinoxes, all of the sites are exhibited to the public.

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