2. Japan Heritage - Hitoyoshi Kuma
  3. Buddhist Art
  4. 19.Shofukuji Temple and Related Cultural Assets

19.Shofukuji Temple and Related Cultural Assets

勝福寺関連文化財【あさぎり町】|日本で最も豊かな隠れ里 日本遺産人吉球磨【熊本県】

Cultural Asset Data

Name Shofukuji Temple and Related Cultural Assets
Address 1228-1 Fukada Kita, Asagiri-cho, Kuma-gun, Kumamoto
Mapcode333 331 264*30
Contact 0966-45-7226 (Asagiri Town Board of Education)

 In the distant past, Shofukuji was the family shrine of the Sue clan, a local land-owning family. During the Sengoku period (15th to 17th centuries), it persisted under the protection of the Sagara clan. The wooden statue here of Bishamonten, one of the Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhist belief, was constructed at the end of the Heian period (12th century), and is the largest of its kind in the prefecture.

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